SmartBattery: What is it and how does it work? Batteries, in all laptop brands, are the component that can present the most problems. This is because they undergo wear and tear from usage and environmental factors, such as heat. For mor... Excalibur battery Apr 24, 2024
How to recalibrate your Slimbook battery *Before proceeding, it's advisable to check the health of your Slimbook battery on both Windows and Linux to see if you need to purchase a new one or just recalibrate it.* * Ubuntu: * To check the... battery ubuntu windows Mar 13, 2024
How to limit your Slimbook battery charge The health of lithium batteries depends on the number of charge cycles they undergo. Fully charging a battery to 100% shortens its overall lifespan. Some of our *Slimbook* laptops feature a function c... Elemental Essential Executive Hero battery bios Feb 6, 2024
How to do a battery duration test * Performing a battery duration test on your Slimbook can help assess its performance and determine the current capacity of the battery. Here's a basic guide to conducting a battery durability test: *... battery Jan 23, 2024
Tips: Battery Care and Calibration Taking care of your laptop battery is important to ensure optimal performance and extended lifespan. By following these tips, you can maximize the lifespan of your electronic devices' batteries. Keep ... battery Jan 8, 2024
Why do batteries degrade over time? In the current era of electronic devices, lithium batteries have become the heart of the technological revolution. Although these batteries have propelled significant advancements, they also face a cr... battery Dec 12, 2023
Instalar la ultima versión de TLP en Ubuntu TLP es una herramienta de gestión de la batería, viene configurada por defecto para aumentar la vida de tu batería. Primero tenemos que añadir el repositorio en el que se encuentra la aplicación. Pa... Linux battery repositories ubuntu Apr 3, 2018
Script Linux para avisar de los ciclos de carga de la batería Las baterías de todos los portátiles, son el elemento más maleable del que están compuestos, por ello queremos ayudarte a conservarla. Si quieres saber más sobre las baterías te recomendamos la lectur... Linux battery tools Aug 30, 2015
Baterías de Li-Ion: breve análisis y conclusiones Introducción baterías de Ion de Litio* Las baterías de los ordenadores portátiles, son actualmente el gran /handicap/ de todos los fabricantes. Tanto es así que son considerados por leyes actuales, ... battery ubuntu Aug 29, 2015
Trucos: Ahorro de batería Unos simples pero esenciales pasos para el ahorro de batería de nuestro Slimbook. Deberás activar el modo ahorro de energía, bien sea en Windows o en Linux, podrás hacerlo, pero no siempre este modo l... battery tools Aug 21, 2015