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Odoo • Texto e imagen

4K Linux compatible video capture device

Capturer compatible with OBS and with the main Linux distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Manjaro, etc), but also with Windows and Macintosh.

Record what you are doing on your computer or any other device with HDMI output, such as a compact or reflex camera. Just connect the computer or device via HDMI to the capture device, and the capture device to the USB port of a computer.

4K Linux compatible video capture device

- 4K: high resolution (and lower)

- HDR support: high color quality

- Lossless: no loss in transmission

- Loop resolution: 4K 60Hz, 2K 120Hz, 1080 120Hz

- Record resolution: 4K 30Hz, 2K 60Hz, 1080 120Hz

- Extra audio jack input and output
Odoo • Imagen y texto

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