Diagnosis of random reboot Random reboots are often caused by hardware problems, such as overheating, *RAM failures, damaged disks* or *unstable power supplies*, or *software conflicts*, such as *incompatible drivers*, *kernel ... Linux benchmark drivers kernel liveusb monitor windows Dec 17, 2024
Disable Fast Startup in Windows 11 **What is Fast Startup?** Fast Startup is a feature that allows the computer to enter a type of hibernation instead of completely shutting down. This helps Windows boot up faster when you turn it on. ... windows Oct 22, 2024
How to install Windows 11 Hello everyone! There are 3 methods to install Windows 11, we leave the options in detail below. ... windows Sep 28, 2024
How to recalibrate your Slimbook battery *Before proceeding, it's advisable to check the health of your Slimbook battery on both Windows and Linux to see if you need to purchase a new one or just recalibrate it.* * Ubuntu: * To check the... battery ubuntu windows Mar 13, 2024
Solution to the problem (no "Install Ubuntu with Windows") Hello everyone! Here are the requirements to be able to install Ubuntu when the option "Install Ubuntu with Windows" does not appear: You must have sufficient unallocated space for Ubuntu. The min... ubuntu windows Oct 10, 2023
How To Fix Incorrect Windows Time In Linux DualBoot Hello everyone! The main problem is the Windows time, which never matches the Linux time. When we turn off the computer, the operating systems store the time in the hardware clock located on the mo... Linux boot windows Aug 31, 2023
Configure DualBoot with Windows on Pop!_OS Hello everyone, Pop!_OS uses systemd-boot as the boot loader instead of GRUB. Many of you ask us how to do a DualBoot with Windows, so we are going to leave a series of steps so that you can pe... bios windows Aug 22, 2023
Arreglar el cambio de hora al pasar de Ubuntu a Windows (dual boot) Aquí dejamos un pequeño tutorial para mantener la zona horaria de tu sistema Dual Boot al cambiar entre sistemas, además del método para revertirlo. *Aplicar el parche* Para poder arreglar la hora, ... boot ubuntu windows Oct 18, 2018
Actualización Firmware TPM Windows10 en los Slimbook PRO2 Si al entrar en la configuración de seguridad de Windows, os encontrais con una marca de advertencia (un triangulo amarillo con una exclamación dentro), es posible que el firmware para el TPM esté des... Pro windows Jul 12, 2018
Reparar error al clonar Windows: error en archivo winload.efi Cuando clonamos Windows 10, salta un error en el arranque de este, si intentamos continuar, podemos ver que error es, concretamente un error en el archivo winload.efi ubicado en C:\Windows\system32. ... boot windows Aug 14, 2017
Instalar Windows junto a GNU/Linux Antes de nada deberemos disponer de un LiveUSB con Windows y GNU/linux (multisystem) o dos liveUSB cada uno con su sistema. Para crear liveUSB de Windows: https://slimbook.es/tutoriales/windows/22-com... Linux liveusb windows May 31, 2017
Suavizar el scroll con dos dedos en Windows 10 Si has instalado Windows 10 en tu Slimbook, es posible que notes el scroll con dos dedos un poco lento, eso se puede deber a que Windows 10 asigna por defecto un driver distinto al que nosotros dejamo... touchpad windows May 7, 2017