Linux Professional Institute Partners

Since the beginning of SlimbookOne of the clear objectives, which has been pursued, is the promotion and use of GNU/Linux and what surrounds it.

This same mission is shared by the great team at Linux Profesional Institutean organization that is committed to the use of open source and supports those who work with it.

From LPI, they collaborate with companies around the world, with similar interests, in order to maintain the growth and adoption of Linux, open source and free software.

One of its established projects is Partners Success Managers (PSMs), an idea that was born as an active communication channel for partners, facilitating interaction between them and the exchange of experiences and business opportunities.

Now Slimbook is part of this great family, eager to keep moving forward, with companies like Linux Professional Institute, faithful to promote the leading certification body in the open source world.

in News
Linux Professional Institute Partners
Eusebio Giner Slimbook
13 September, 2022