7 Years Contributing to GNU/Linux

Slimbook is 7 years old and after so much time, we remember achievements that have been made based on effort, perseverance and passion for what we do and for whom we do it.

Let's look back at the great moments and experiences that have made Slimbook the brand it is today.

After some time building the computers, with the point of ambition and experimentation that characterizes Slimbook, the decision was taken to open Linux Center A space for the community, where you can spread and learn about GNU/Linux and open technologies. What has been held at Linux Center? Well, courses have been given by professionals with years of experience in the sector. In addition, this physical space, unique in the world, has served to provide accommodation and support to people interested in the magnificent world of open source and free technologies. One of the cases was the so-called "Sprint KDE", 10 days in which assistance was provided to Plasma creators.

Speaking of KDE... an achievement to highlight, always, is the relationship created with this entity, Slimbook has become a Patron for the KDE organization.With their merger came the internationally known 'KDE Slimbook', for many this ultrabook is 'the jewel in the crown'. There were also many events and activities that Slimbook was happy to attend and from which he returned home with a great taste in his mouth.

And if we comment on the collaborations during this time, we can't leave out the fact that we have been part of great celebrations, such as the event in which Slimbook was first unveiled, back in 2015, in the UNED Open Days. We have not only attended events or offered lectures... Sponsors! that's right, Sllimbook has been a brand sponsor of events, such is the case of events organized by the GNOME entity.

If there is one thing the company is clear about, it is that if there is no community there is nothing, and contributing to it is one of the most rewarding things in a career. As in May 2020, when Slimbook launched a campaign of direct support to open source contributing developersstarted with a small idea in which to choose a winning project, but it was so well received that 4 winners were finally chosen, awarded with a significant grant for the "open source" project idea.

In the most creative part, the creation of its own OS Slimbook OS based on Ubuntu, but including their own Open appsavailable to any user. Also, in this area, beautiful collaborations have been born, an example of them, the one that arose together with Power Progress Community, for the creation of the PowerPC which was released by IBM as open source and handed over to the Linux Foundation.

Slimbook is committed to what really matters, being a Spanish company and being born from nothing is not an easy process, so it continues to bet on the local economy and boosting the market at national and European level.

Slimbook's main activity is the sale of computers, and it could not be left out of this news. From the first and only model that began to be marketed, with fear at the beginning, but with a face, as in every project. Up to the present day, which in its web, the company has more than 10 types of computers, their variants, accessories, components and more.

Of course, after mentioning the community repeatedly, mention should be made of the brand's customers. They are part of the base that completes the company and every day we work to make them feel that way. In 2018, the organization 'Open Awards', awarded Slimbook as best service and solutions provider

May the years and achievements continue to add up. 7 wonderful years building hardware and contributing to GNU/Linux.

7 Years Contributing to GNU/Linux
Eusebio Giner Slimbook
11 October, 2022