Slimbook Service

Slimbook Service is a service to receive desktop notifications from your device.

  • Allow double tap enable/disable touchpad

  • Show messages on screen for certain actions, e.g.: Change performance mode with FN+F5 keys.

  • Generate report files with the system info

  • Get important notifications for your Slimbook model, e.g.: BIOS update via
    Slimbook Notifications

Service is autoenabled on install, yo can find it as slimbook.service
To see notifications, you need to launch the Slimbook Client Notifications indicator.

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Slimbook Service Installation:

First, we need to add the Slimbook repository. Enter the following commands in a Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

Ubuntu 22:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:slimbook/slimbook
sudo apt update

Ubuntu 24:

sudo mv slimbook.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
sudo mv slimbook.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo apt update

Install the application:

For Zero, Essential, Elemental, Hero S models:

sudo apt install slimbook-service

For ProX, Executive, Titan, Hero, and Evo models:

sudo apt install slimbook-service slimbook-qc71-dkms
After installation, launch the app with:
Restart the system.

First, we need to add the Slimbook repository. Enter the following commands in a Terminal:

sudo mv slimbook.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
sudo mv slimbook.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo apt update

Install the application:

For Zero, Essential, Elemental, Hero S models:

sudo apt install slimbook-service

For ProX, Executive, Titan, Hero, and Evo models:

sudo apt install slimbook-service slimbook-qc71-dkms
After installation, launch the app with:
Restart the system.

First, we need to add the Slimbook repository. Enter the following commands in a Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

Fedora 40:

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

Fedora 41:

sudo dnf4 config-manager --add-repo

Install the application:

For GNOME desktops:

sudo dnf install slimbook-meta-gnome

For KDE desktops:

sudo dnf install slimbook-meta-plasma

For Zero, Essential, Elemental, Hero S models:

sudo dnf install slimbook-meta-gnome/plasma 

For ProX, Executive, Titan, Hero, and Evo models:

sudo dnf install slimbook-meta-gnome/plasma slimbook-qc71-kmod
After installation, launch the app with:
Restart the system.

First, we need to add the Slimbook repository. Enter the following commands in a Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo zypper ar -f slimbook

Install the application:

For GNOME desktops:

sudo zypper install slimbook-meta-gnome

For KDE desktops:

sudo zypper install slimbook-meta-plasma

For Zero, Essential, Elemental, Hero S models:

sudo zypper install slimbook-meta-gnome/plasma

For ProX, Executive, Titan, Hero, and Evo models:

sudo zypper install slimbook-meta-gnome/plasma slimbook-qc71-kmp
After installation, launch the app with:
Restart the system.

Application Usage: 

Once the app is opened, click on the white penguin icon that has been added.

Clicking on it will display the following options:

Preferences Window:

In this window, we can enable or disable displaying the device, choose whether to auto-start on system boot, set the icon to black, and choose to receive notifications via
Slimbook Notifications.

System Information Window:

It's a summarized version of the operating system's characteristics and some additional information.

Notifications Window

It will show a history of received notifications. If there are any pending, the Slimbook Service icon will appear with a blue circle.

To generate the report file, go to the terminal and type:

slimbookctl report 

A .tar.gz compressed file will be generated in the /tmp folder containing various files with all system info. This can be especially relevant for testing, checks, or providing information to technical support. It will omit certain private information, such as the Wi-Fi networks accessible to the device, MAC address, or motherboard serial number.

To obtain the complete report, use the following command:

slimbookctl report-full 

The icons that appear after the generation of each file indicate whether they have been successfully generated or not:

  • The file has been generated successfully

  • The file hasn't been generated as it wasn't necessary (e.g. because we launch the partial report instead of full report)

  • An error occurred while generating the file

Slimbook Service
Eusebio Giner Slimbook
15 November, 2023