Slimbook RGB Keyboard
This article was published more than three years ago. Please note that it may be outdated due to new versions and updates. Try to understand the steps to follow in case you have to apply changes during the process.

Slimbook RGB Keyboard is an application that allows you to customize your keyboard and (if you have one) backlight bar.

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Install Slimbook RGB Keyboard:

First, we need to add the Slimbook repository. Please enter the following commands into a Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

Ubuntu 22:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:slimbook/slimbook
sudo apt-get update

Ubuntu 24:

sudo mv slimbook.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
sudo mv slimbook.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo apt update

Install the application:

For Essential 15, Elemental 15, Hero S, Hero, and Titan models:

sudo apt install slimbook-rgb-keyboard slimbook-keyboard-dkms

Restart the system, and run the app.

First, we need to add the Slimbook repository. Please enter the following commands into a Terminal:

sudo mv slimbook.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
sudo mv slimbook.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo apt update

Install the application:

For Essential 15, Elemental 15, Hero S, Hero, and Titan models:

sudo apt install slimbook-rgb-keyboard slimbook-keyboard-dkms
Restart the system, and run the app.

First, we need to add the Slimbook repository. Please enter the following commands into a Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

Fedora 40:

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

Fedora 41:

sudo dnf4 config-manager --add-repo

Install the application:

For GNOME desktop:

sudo dnf install slimbook-meta-gnome

For KDE desktop:

sudo dnf install slimbook-meta-plasma

For Essential 15, Elemental 15, Hero S, Hero, and Titan models:

sudo dnf install slimbook-meta-gnome/plasma slimbook-keyboard-kmod slimbook-rgb-keyboard

Restart the system, and run the app.

First, we need to add the Slimbook repository. Please enter the following commands into a Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo zypper ar -f slimbook

Install the application:

For GNOME desktop:

sudo zypper install slimbook-meta-gnome

For KDE desktop:

sudo zypper install slimbook-meta-plasma

For Essential 15, Elemental 15, Hero S, Hero, and Titan models:

sudo zypper install slimbook-meta-gnome/plasma slimbook-keyboard-kmp slimbook-rgb-keyboard

Restart the system, and run the app.

After installing the application and during the first run, the program will attempt to install one of the two drivers it can manage for RGB keyboards.

For ite8921r3-ctl compatible keyboards: 

This is the most comprehensive driver for computers like the TITAN. With this driver, the keyboard allows:

    • Switch on/off the backlight
    • Change brightness level
    • Set a fixed color
    • Switch between all the available effects. There is also a button to open the effect folder, in case you dare to code your own effects :)


The lightbar pane will give you options to perform these actions:

    • Switch on/off the backlight
    • Switch on/off rainbow mode
    • Set a fixed color mode (requires rainbow mode disabled to work)


For non-ite8921r3-ctl compatible keyboards:

For single zone RGB Keyboards, Slimbook RGB Keyboard will let you enable/disable the backlight, cycle through any of the 10 available brightness levels and set a fixed color.


Info window:


Slimbook RGB Keyboard
Eusebio Giner Slimbook
24 May, 2021