Here we explain how to create a Windows installation USB or any ISO using the wonderful tool called Ventoy.
Ventoy is an open-source program that allows you to create a bootable USB drive with multiple ISO files of operating systems or rescue tools. The distinctive feature of Ventoy is that you don't need to format the USB drive every time you want to add or remove an ISO file. You simply copy the ISO files directly to the USB drive and Ventoy takes care of the rest.
1. The first thing we'll need to do is download Ventoy from Github, choose the version that suits us best, but in this case, we're going to follow the installation on Ubuntu, so we choose "ventoy-1.0.97-linux.tar.gz" (the version may change in the future but it's essentially the same).
2. Once we have it downloaded, we'll need to extract it, right-click and select extract.
3. Unce extracted, we access the extracted folder and run "VentoyGUI.x86_64". If we don't have permissions, we'll need to activate the "Allow executing file as program" option. To do this, right-click > Properties and in the "Permissions" tab, activate the option.
4. Now we run the application (and enter the sudo password) and a window like the one below will appear. We choose the USB drive where we want to install Ventoy and click "Install".
5. After finishing the installation, the USB drive with Ventoy installed will appear where we can move the ISO we want to run, in this case, the Windows 11 ISO.
Note: If the USB drive does not appear, you need to disconnect and reconnect it.
And that's it, we would have our Ventoy bootable USB that we can reuse as many times as we want to install ISOs of Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint, Windows 10, 11, etc...
Ahora quedaría acceder al menú de arranque de tu equipo Slimbook, para ello recuerda desactivar primero Secure Boot y acceder con F7, F10 o F11 para seleccionar el USB que contiene Ventoy, y al acceder tendría que salir una pantalla así:
Luego solo faltaría seleccionar el ISO y seguir los pasos como normalmente haríamos.
I hope this small tutorial is very helpful to you.
Greetings to all.