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Windows 10/11 - Neon dualboot


Hello All,

I wonder if someone can help me.

1) I am trying to install Windows on my Slimbook. I have downloaded the installation iso from Microsoft's website. Every time I boot to start the installation it says something along the lines of missing media drivers. I have searched online for a solution and I have tried about everything that has been suggested

  • start the installation and then pull the usb stick out and put it in another port!!!

  • try different languages US English/International English

  • try Windows 11

  • try Ventoy

I have tried all of these and still get exactly the same error. This seems to be a known problem but the Slimbook configuration should be fairly well known. So I would imagine you guys at Slimbook must know what drivers are missing and a way to download them and provide this to the Windows installation.

I bought my Slimbook in February so it is a fairly recent spec.

Ryzen 7 7840HS CPU


1TB Samsung drive partitioned into EFI, Neon, Kubuntu, Home, Swap and then free space where i want to install Windows.

2) The laptop doesn't sleep. Again this is something Ive read about and seems to be a known issue. But how to resolve it. As you can see from my partitioning, I reconfigured the harddrive and repartitioned it to allow dual-boot of Neon and Kubuntu with a shared home partition. Is there a step I've missed that I need to perform that would have been done in the factory installation? Because at the moment if I close the laptop up, put it in my rucksack, in the morning I find a laptop that is heated and the battery is critically low!

3) This laptop was an upgrade to a vintage 2013 Toshiba. To my embarrasment I don't seem to be able to work the touchpad. How do you right click? Or in my case the opposite as a left-hander. How do you click and drag to make a selection, of text, for example? Is there some video I can watch about using the touchpad on  my new computer?

4) Small point. I ordered my computer with a US/Ukrainian keyboard. The letter є on the keyboard is printed incorrectly and is rather the Russian letter instead.

Keep up the good work. I trust someone will be able to help me. Thank you in advance.


1 Answer
Vaja Benidze Slimbook
Best Answer

Good morning, Quintin,

I see you have several inquiries, and they are quite varied, so I’ll try to help as much as possible.

1. This is a known issue, but as you may have seen, it’s not exclusive to Slimbook laptops; it’s a bug with the Microsoft ISO itself. Apart from the methods you've already tried, there’s one last thing you could do, which is to change the USB. Often, the USB drive itself can cause issues during the installation/loading of drivers, leading to errors. I recommend trying with a different USB.

2. This issue is also software-related. To ensure that your Slimbook suspends properly, you need to check the power settings in Plasma’s configuration. Also, try suspending manually instead of closing the lid to see if it suspends correctly.

3. The touchpad works like on all modern laptops. It depends on how you usually use the touchpad (click or tap), but the click positions are in the same place. Whether you're left- or right-handed, you can change this via software in Plasma’s settings. To right-click, you can tap with two fingers at the same time. To drag, you need to double-tap with one finger and hold on the second tap to drag. We don't have our own explanatory video for this, but there are certainly many tutorials available online.

4. Regarding this issue, we apologize for the inconvenience. I suggest reporting the keyboard issue to [email protected], including the order number and a full photo of the keyboard, indicating where the problem is and which key should be correct.

Best regards.
