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Trying to Order Sata Cable, but Shipping is Too Much

Sound Of Ears

The Shipping is pretty high, and it's even worse because your Cart automation can't be set to my being in Europe.  The Shipping to USA is 4x that in Europe which is already 4x what it should be. 

Any chance of getting one of these cables so I can use it on the computer here?  A Slimbook One with a Ryzen 5900. 

Good computer by the way.  Mostly seems to work well, and as far as comparing the Graphics to the 960 (which was up in the air when I bought it) it basically kicks that one to the curb. 

I am satisfied with the computer.  Can any one there tell me what is the name of the little white part that power out goes from to the SATA drive?  I need to specify that name in my search for a power cable.  Very hard to find this cable it appears that you are the only place to find the exact one I need.  I suppse I could pay the exorbitant 34.99 Euro (for shipping plus part price) but I am not paying the 100+Euro shipping to the USA, because I am not even in the USA.

1 Answer
Alex Ortiz Slimbook
Best Answer

Hi @Sound

I have reset the UPS locations, I understand from your words that you only saw the option for shipments outside the European Union enabled.

I don't know your exact location, but check if now the automatic calculation that the website does through UPS for your location is working correctly.

Regards, and anything else, you can see more detail with the colleagues of commercial attention in [email protected]
