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Laptop freezing hard after suspend or inactivity


My Slimbook Pro X 15 is freezing under these circumstances:

- it doesn't wake from suspend about 1/3 of the time.  The keyboard lights up, but the screen remains black.  It requires a hard reset, and there are no entries in the logs indicating what happened.

- it sometimes freezes after a period of inactivity (e.g. 1 hour) and requires a hard-reset.  This started happening just a couple weeks ago.

I'm still using the Slimbook OS Ubuntu 22.04 version that came installed, with kernel 5.15.104-0515104-generic.  I was having similar issues a year ago, and slimbook support advised me to downgrade to the v5.15 kernel, which resolved the problem at the time (with only rare exceptions).

Is this an issue that you're aware of, and is there a known fix?

3 Answers
Vaja Benidze Slimbook
Best Answer

Good morning, zyxkaber,

The issue of your Pro x 15 not turning on sometimes or freezing could be due to hardware or software problems. As you mentioned, you're using an older version of Ubuntu with an even older kernel, so we recommend updating to Slimbook OS 24 or, alternatively, updating the kernel to version 6.5 or higher. The 6.8 version is currently quite stable.

There is also the possibility, which I believe might be the case, that the RAM is defective. If one module is failing, it could prevent the computer from starting up. To rule this out, follow this tutorial:

If you get write errors, it means the RAM is failing. In that case contact our support team:

Best regards.

Best Answer

Thanks, Vaja!

I upgraded to the current 6.8 HWE kernel, and after a reboot, I test suspending and waking the laptop 10 times. No freezes so far!

Also, MemTest passed.

Regarding Slimbook OS 24, would the downloadable ISO be for a fresh install or an upgrade of the current system?

Vaja Benidze Slimbook
Best Answer

Hello Zyxkaber,

I’m pleased to hear that the freezing issue has been resolved.

As for Slimbook OS 24, it's important to note that it's a new ISO. To ensure everything functions properly after installation, a fresh install is recommended.
