Ubuntu 22.04 with a Radeon RX 7900 XT(X)

Hello everyone,

We show you a tutorial where we are going to see how to run a RX 7900 XT(X) or similar family on Ubuntu 22LTS. It is still new hardware and it is better to use rolling release versions, but modifying some things, we managed to make it work in the latest LTS.

These requirements are necessary:

  • Kernel 6.x +

  • LLVM 15+

  • Driver Mesa 22.3+

  • Latest linux-firmware for /lib/firmware/amdgpu/ (and rebuild initramfs)

Step by step:

**Antes de realizar estos pasos, debes colocar el HDMI o DisplayPort a la placa base en vez de a la gráfica, o también puedes entrar con nomodeset al sistema**

1.- Install kernel 6.x+:

sudo apt install linux-oem-22.04c -y

**You can also install the kernel directly from the system repositories or install the Ubuntu Mainline software to do it graphically**

2.- Download and install the latest kernel firmware from here:

wget https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/snapshot/linux-firmware-20230117.tar.gz
tar -xf linux-firmware-20230117.tar.gz
sudo cp linux-firmware-20230117/amdgpu/* /lib/firmware/amdgpu/
sudo update-initramfs -uk 'all'

3.- Add PPA kisak-mesa (this PPA will take care of providing the latest stable mesa and llvm15):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kisak/kisak-mesa
sudo apt upgrade

**If you don't want to add the kisak-mesa PPA, you can also add the PPA Oibaf **

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers
sudo apt update

4.- Ensure there is no modprobe blacklist for amdgpu:

sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-amdgpu.conf

If you use Xorg instead of Wayland and have the issue where the mouse cursor is invisible, you can try to create the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-modesetting.conf with the following content:

Section "Device"
      Identifier "modesetting"
      Driver "modesetting"

**Ya puedes colocar el HDMI o DisplayPort a la gráfica**

** Main source: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1451506/how-to-make-ubuntu-22-04-work-with-a-radeon-rx-7900-xtx

Ubuntu 22.04 with a Radeon RX 7900 XT(X)
Eusebio Giner Slimbook
25 August, 2023